
Thursday, 28 May 2015

What is Technology

Technology is surrounded by all of us. It is like our Ipads Imac and Netbooks. They can help us learn like learning apps in our Ipads and Netbooks to write or create  new things. Google or Bling are the best websites to study or play games on. Green Vehicles make less pollution when they move. They use less fossil fuels and sometimes they do not pollute at all.
Here are my five facts

Ethanol fuel is made from plants such as corn or potatoes.

Vehicles that run on electricity do not produce any air pollution

Hybrid Vehicles run on the greener cleaner fuel when they can

Hybrid Vehicles have two motors an ordinary fossil fuel engine and an electric motor


This term we have been learning about the ANZAC soldiers and WW 1.  In our literacy class, we have been reading different stories about the things that happened during this war.

My writing group decided to write a movie script to show some of the things we learnt about WW 1. We made a script first and planned it to together to make us comfortable of who's doing what. After when we planned it we went down to the playground and practiced what parts we were doing. We edited and sent it to each other so we can put it on our blog.

One thing that stood out to me was when they had shovels and lots of equipment which can be heavy. It will be difficult for people to carry over 900 meters which the soldiers had to do.

We hope you enjoy our movie!

Friday, 8 May 2015

Alphabet Multipication

This is a Alphabet Multiplication from this week.