
Monday, 31 August 2015

I am still in the same level from last month. My goals are to finish my three tasks that are left this Wednesday.

Wednesday, 26 August 2015

Smart Surfing

Here is my Smart Surfing Presentation hope you enjoy

Wednesday, 19 August 2015

Word Travels Fast

Here are somethings people can see online.

Friday, 14 August 2015

Attitude Talk

On Wednesday A person named Dan came to the year 7 and 8 block to talk about Attitude. Hes was talking about Quality and Quantity , been yourself  , Backstabbing Boys Vs Girls social ,been a good friend and some jokes. Backstabbing is talking nice to someone in front of them and when your behind them and talking bad about them not in front of them.
His Organisation is called Attitude here is a link to his  Attitude . He was funny and amazing be sure to check his website out.