
Wednesday 7 August 2013

The three little Pigs

Once a upon a time there were three little pigs. They wanted to live by themselves first they said bye mum.

First was the little Pig. The little Pig wanted to make a house out of hay. First he spent his money to buy some hay. He built his hay house very quickly.

Then the wolf came and it said ‘LITTLE PIG LITTLE PIG LET ME come in”. “ NOT BY THE HAIR OF MY CHINNY CHIN CHIN’ replied the pig. Then I will puff and blow your house down. Then the wolf eat the little pig the wolf said ‘yum yum’.

The second little pig wanted to make a house out of sticks. She spend her money to buy some sticks and made a house.

Then came the wolf and it said  ‘LITTLE PIG LITTLE PIG LET ME COME IN”. “NOT BY THE HAIR OF MY CHINNY CHIN CHIN’ REPLIED THE PIG. Then I will puff and blow your house down. Then the wolf eat the little pig the wolf said ‘yum yum’.

The last little pig wanted to make a house out of bricks. He spend his money to buy some bricks and made a house.

Then came the wolf and it said ‘LITTLE PIG LITTLE PIG LET ME COME IN”. “NOT BY THE HAIR OF MY CHINNY CHIN CHIN’ REPLIED THE PIG. Then I will puff and blow your house down. Then the house did not blow down.

“You can’t blow my house down” said the little pig. “its too strong for you” said the little pig Then the wolf got angry and had a idea.

The wolf went up the roof and went down the chimney but the little pig had a hot water pot on the fire the wolf got in fire the Little Pig left happily ever after.

1 comment:

Mohammed said...

Well I feel glad for finishing my work. And I putting speech marks.

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